ClearBeing Centre • King City, Ontario

Food and Healing Beliefs Questioned

Food and Healing Beliefs Questioned

Unquestioned beliefs can sabotage our best intentions towards effortless self-care. Here are some common beliefs about food and healing as well as alternative beliefs that may resonate more deeply and open you to expanded possibilities for yourself.

Beliefs about your body

  • My body is doing something wrong.
  • My whole family has these health problems so there’s nothing I can do.
  • I just have to learn to live with these symptoms (or this disease).
  • If only my body was working properly then I would be happy.

Uplifting beliefs to consider:

  • Your body is your ally, meant to accompany your soul as long as you’re on the Earth. Your body truly wants to be well, wants to support you, and is communicating with you through sensations and symptoms. It’s always doing the best it can given its history, current stressors, nutrition, environment, etc. As you learn to listen and let your body guide you to health-supportive choices, you will find that it responds willingly and positively.
  • Your genes respond to the environment around your cells. By shifting your food choices, thoughts and lifestyle, you change the environment around your cells so they can express greater health. In addition to feeling great, you can also be an inspiration for your loved ones.
  • Happiness is available to you every moment, regardless of outside circumstances, including the state of your body. In fact when you find inner happiness, the lens through which you see the world changes and you naturally make more health-supportive choices.

Beliefs about yourself

  • I don’t have what it takes to heal.
  • It’s going to be hard for me to make all these changes.
  • I’m not disciplined enough.
  • When symptoms get worse, I’ve done something wrong, or the new diet isn’t working for me.

Uplifting beliefs to consider:

  • Although we know quite a lot about what a body needs to heal, the journey to health is at the same time, in many ways, a mystery that unfolds one step at a time. Nobody can give you an exact formula for healing but my experience shows me that when people are sincere about healing, the steps as well as all the help you need reveal themselves in a way that is unique for your journey.
  • Discipline is an inner quality that we all possess. Actually, the belief that we need discipline to make better choices is not entirely true, particularly when it’s coming from an effortful place. Effortful discipline never lasts and it depletes energy and health. Effortless discipline is an inner quality that we all possess when we’re aligned with what we truly want. When you relax and stop trying so hard, discipline feels more natural.
  • When you shift eating habits toward wholesome foods, symptoms tend to begin to improve quickly and energy levels increase. The body will use these increased energy levels to dig deeper to clear toxins and this might show up as a temporary worsening of symptoms. In addition, symptoms that arise can be a way that your body is asking you to further refine your food choices.
  • Everyone experiences setbacks, particularly when changing habits. Use setbacks to learn about your triggers and uncover strategies that will help you in the future.
  • Although food is important, remember that you’re here to create a life of meaning and connection, not to stress about food. Focus on what you really want and be gentle with yourself.

Beliefs about what you need to shift your diet

  • I need my family to eat the way I am.
  • I will have to make two different meals to accommodate my family and it’s too much work.
  • I don’t have time.
  • I’m not a good cook and I don’t like being in the kitchen.

Uplifting beliefs to consider:

  • I’ve found that it’s best to share your new food direction with your family only to the extent that they’re open to it. Focus on yourself and give them the freedom to eat the way they want to. When you make yourself a new dish, offer it to your family without expectations one way or the other. There are so many wonderful recipes and you’re likely to find that your family enjoys them too. There are no doubt like-minded people in your community, so open yourself up to connecting with them for support.
  • With some planning and simple recipes, you’ll soon be making delicious food that makes you feel good. Of course it’s an adjustment so be patient and let go of the idea of perfection. Perfection is being on your own authentic journey. If it becomes stressful, ask yourself if you’re expecting too much of yourself.
  • You don’t have to change your whole diet right away. Maybe add one or two things like more water, a daily smoothie or salad for now, or simply increase fruit and vegetables in your day.
  • You may also find that with a holistic approach to nutrition you begin to enjoy simpler foods, and that natural foods are appealing to work with in the kitchen. Although it will take time to shop, organize your kitchen and prepare food from scratch, it will seem like less of an effort, and eventually quite possibly enjoyable and relaxing, once you get the hang of it and enjoy the benefits.
  • Ultimately, it’s not about having time; it’s about making time. Suffering from debilitating symptoms is a full-time job and what we don’t have time for is getting sick. Being healthy will give you so much more time and energy. As you do emotional work, you will find yourself better able to set boundaries and stop overcommitting to family, friends and colleagues.