ClearBeing Centre • King City, Ontario

Moon Circle Series

This Moon Circle Series has been created to explore sacred cycles that are flowing through our day to day lives which are also reflected in nature. Just as the Moon is changing, impacting the flow of the ocean as she moves through times of darkness, partial light and full illumination, we may notice that our lives, our emotions, and our experiences are constantly in flux.

This is not only okay but it is natural.

In nature, we learn that with every ending there is a new beginning.

That following stillness and rest flows energy and creative passion.

That there are times of both shadow and light.

Both are valuable and serve each other.

In gathering together in community to explore these ever changing energies we are given a chance to reflect on what has come to pass, to commune with nature, and to connect with kindred souls and to the deep presence that resides within us all.

By taking space to connect with these markers of change within Nature it can serve to allow us to slow down, reflect, and bring a deeper awareness and intentionality into our weeks and months and create meaningful rhythm within our lives.

New Moon:

The New Moon is a symbolic time of letting go of the outward energy of “doing,” and to bring our energy inward, to slow down, and allow for deep rest. It is through allowing stillness and rest that we create space for energy to build and for clarity to rise. We take time to connect to the grounding energy of Mother Energy, to shed any energetic buildup, to release what no longer serves us and find rest in the beautiful light and love that is always present within.

Full Moon:

The Full Moon is a symbolic time of taking the energy that has been built from stillness and rest and to connect to the powerful energy of creation, new beginnings, birth and bring nurturing energy to our purpose, intentions and relationships. It is a time to reflect on how far we have come, of all that we have moved through and released and to then reconnect, re-energize, and revitalize while connecting to the powerful creative energy within us all.

The Intention & Benefits

We are consistently experiencing the cycles of nature within our day to day experiences whether we are present to them or not. In creating space to connect to these cycles such as is experienced with the Moon, we can begin to witness and connect to these energies in a more neutral way.

To find peace within the ebbs and flows of life.

In these sessions my intention is to create a space where we will be able to:

  • slow down, listen, relax and simply BE with ourselves in a way that we may not get a chance to in our day to day lives.
  • reflect on our challenges, our highs, our lows, and continually align to our intentions allowing for the fire to remain alight in our creative passions and purpose.
  • commune with Nature, the Land, the Sky, the Earth, the Moon and all of its sacred companions.
  • gather in community with kindred souls, to feel, to express and to allow our energies to be processed through the shared field.
  • connect with our bodies, with our breath, and deepen into the present moment.
  • create space for our own natural cycles and energetic highs and lows to be felt and expressed.
  • embrace any feelings of stagnancy, stuckness, feelings of being lost, sadness, grief, of letting go as these are sacred passages to new found levels of clarity, energy, and creation.

“The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen.” ―Shannon L. Alder

Jenn Berkelmans

Soul Coach, Transitionary Guide & Somatics Movement Teacher

One of my greatest passions is to supporting and guiding sensitive souls to connect, navigate and integrate through the “in between” that occurs during transitionary times in life and to reclaim the truth of who they are and to become an embodiment of love, compassion and truth so that they can step into fully living out their purpose and gifts through the process of truly BE-ing.

This offering was created because the Moon has served as a faithful and ever present companion in my own spiritual journey. Even during the dark phase of the New Moon I can sense her powerful and radiant energy shining down. She is there serving to light the path on the darkest of nights, reminding me that it’s okay to exist both in shadow and light and that I too can embrace the fullness of my experience.

At ClearBeing I fulfill this by supporting, guiding and utilizing my gifts in any way that supports the ClearBeing team and the ClearBeing community.

Outside of ClearBeing I seek to guide souls to becoming the fullest expression of their BE-ing through Soul Coaching, Yoga, meditation and breathwork facilitation and Human Design.

I am here to be a space holder of feeling through shadow and light.

To be a guide on the path of experiencing the seasons of life/rebirth cycles.

To be a waymaker on the path to creating my own way that supports my own natural way of BE-ing.

I feel that both within ClearBeing, and outside of it I wear many hats and have many passions but most importantly, my favourite pursuit is one of learning, expanding and stepping into the fullest expression of my BE-ing.

I truly believe that the journey to purpose and fulfilment is not so much what we do but who we BE. That this path of BE-ing is paved through exploring our truth, becoming the embodiment of love and compassion, finding alignment to our soul and life purpose and ultimately BE-ing the fullest expressed versions of our soul.



In these sessions there is a space created where you get to show up just as you are and be seen as you are.

A cared for space to truly exist within the moment.

To feel what you’re feeling.

To allow your body to be just as it is.

To simply BE.

Moon Circle Components:

Reflection & Intention Setting: In connecting with the cyclical nature of the moon, we are given a chance to reflect each month on what has shifted within our life, what has challenged us and where we have experienced growth and then to connect to the deep presence within to express our intention or desires for the month to come.

Meditation: A path to experience the deep well of presence that has the capacity to hold us in every moment, in every experience, in every feeling.

Talks/Sharing: A a group of sincere and kindred souls gathers together, we have a chance to be held, heard and seen by others. To bring forward our truth whatever that may be in the moment. To authentically express, experience and simply BE and space to be held to do so.

Breath: We will be exploring a variety of forms of breathing practices, some which are focused on relaxing the nervous system and some which are focused on activating and energizing the system. Through the breath, there is a natural moving, clearing and unwinding that occurs in our energetic body which then allow for a natural unwinding and relaxation within the body. The breath is a powerful portal to presence, it can allow us to deepen our connection to the present moment, to our body, and to the deep well of peace and ease that exists within us all.

Restorative Yoga & Mindful Movement: Through gentle movement connect to the body in the way that it wishes to be moved and expressed. Movements that will guide you into “BE-ing” rather than “doing.” They are designed to allow for the the body to relax and allow for the release of deep seated tensions while finding the space to rest in the presence of your own natural BE-ing.

Upcoming Sacred Moon Circles


Please read over our terms and conditions which includes our refund policy before purchasing.

Event is 16+

Time: 7 – 9 pm

Arrival Time: 6:45 pm


  • $30 + HST per session
  • $25 + HST per session when you purchase 4 (or more) sessions together

Location: 4235 17th Sideroad King City, ON L7B 1K4.

What to bring:

  • yoga mat (we have extras)
  • eye mask or eye pillow (optional)
  • face towel to place on yoga props
  • layered comfortable clothing
  • water bottle

Instructions for purchasing 4 (or more) sessions package:

  1. Select the dates that you would like to register for
  2. Enter the number of tickets per date you wish to purchase (if you are one person then enter 1 and click next)
  3. Fill in your details and fill out form and click next
  4. In the Discount Coupon box enter the code: MOONCIRCLE4
  5. Enter your payment information and click pay

If you have any trouble simply email

The event is finished.


Jul 17 2023


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


ClearBeing Retreat Centre
4235 17th Sideroad King City, Ontario Canada
Jenn Berkelmans


Jenn Berkelmans

Soul Coach, Transitionary Guide & Somatics Experience Creator

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