ClearBeing Centre • King City, Ontario

Our Values & Approach

Soul Coach Offerings

The Soul already exists in its full glory.

ClearBeing teachers and soul coaches are helping the Soul to reveal itself during the conscious meeting of 2 (or more) people. We use tools like dialogue, guided and silent meditation, energy awareness, transparent communication, sensing the shared field, teaching and more, to expose and release outdated beliefs, liberate unintegrated emotions, give new perspectives on life challenges, and put you directly in touch with your authentic values & expression, and the radiant guidance of your deepest self.

By ‘soul’ we mean the spiritually guided momentum of your unique & truest life. Our understanding and ongoing exploration is that the journey to peace, health, and fulfilling engagement with life is fundamentally a spiritual one.


Meditation is our natural state and is available to everyone.

Underlying our approach to meditation is the fundamental recognition that in the midst of the moving and changing details of our lives there is an unlimited field of radiant consciousness that puts us in touch with our true nature and lights our way. There is a strong emphasis on the body, feeling and energy centered awareness so that the spiritual realizations translate into an enrichment of our everyday lives.

Yoga & Movement

We love the feel of our bodies in movement!

ClearBeing is the new home of the Indigo Yoga Studio which was the manifestation of Genya Klaiman’s life long journey of health, wellness and fitness combined with functional movement, breathwork and cold immersions. Our teachers fuse various lineages of yoga, breathwork, MovNat, Qi Gong, meditation, intuitive dance, Pilates, and more – online, in person at the ClearBeing Great Hall, and outdoors on our 32-acre stunning natural playground.

We welcome students of all ages, from all backgrounds and walks of life and offer an integrative approach to strengthen the body, mind and spirit. We are committed to serve with our methodical, interdisciplinary and functional approach, so that students experience deep transformation with impactful and lasting results.


We want you to experience your body in its full strength & brilliance, and food is a critical contributor!

Our approach to food, nutrition and healing is deeply impacted by the lived experience and intuitive explorations of Caroline Dupont, who has been passionately immersed in all things food & healing related for close to 35 years. She has taught for the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition for 25 years, written 4 books on nutrition, led dozens of cleanses, and taught hundreds of cooking classes to thousands of students.

Nourishing & delicious plant-based meals are served at ClearBeing, featuring food from our gardens and emphasizing whole, local & living foods. Consciously chosen & prepared foods support our lives in every possible way, and contribute significantly to the highest expression of body & soul. The menus are based on the seasons and the intentions of the events: spiritual retreats, cleanses, celebrations, and more. We are happy to adjust to our guests’ needs. We include the Medical Medium body of work & teachings in our approach to food & healing.

If you’d like more information about the food that we serve at ClearBeing please refer to our Food at ClearBeing page.