ClearBeing Centre • King City, Ontario

SoulQuest FAQs

SoulQuest FAQs

Why is the format 3 Initiations?

First of all, there is no requirement to commit to all 3 initiations. Everyone starts with the first initiation, CONNECT, and then trusts if and when they’re called to do the next level, generally at least 6 months later. The journey to soul is an ongoing process that is, on the one hand, unique to each individual. At the same time, there are distinct capacities that we’ve found must universally be developed in order to learn to read the map of the soul with increasing accuracy. We’ve encapsulated these capacities with the words CONNECT, RELATE, and SURRENDER (the focus of each initiation). Once a person has completed an initiation, they go home and apply the awakenings to their lives. This is how we deepen and create meaningful and tangible shifts. We’re supported by monthly online SoulQuest Circles between initiations and the encouragement to attend change of season ceremonies (solstice and equinox fires) and other ClearBeing offerings that resonate.

What is the schedule like for the CONNECT initiation?

We are aiming to strike a balance between enough structure for participants to feel held and relaxed, and enough freedom to allow for magic to appear as the soul blossoms. Each day, mornings will begin with breathwork and/or gentle movement followed by silent meditation. After breakfast there will be formal teachings around connecting to the many facets of the self as well as guided meditations and exercises to apply the teachings. The afternoons will provide ample opportunities to practice opening and connecting to nature, the soul’s greatest champion. The evenings will offer us time to connect to community through fire ceremony, dance, wood-fired sauna ritual, circles and other group activities.

Do I need to have previous meditation or other experience?

No previous experience is needed. Some people may not have formal experience in the healing arts but they are none the less mature souls ready to embark on this type of journey.

How can I prepare for SoulQuest?

Once you register you can begin to delve into the materials in your account, like the ClearBeing Meditation System or the various Soul Coach Primers (for Empaths, for Addictions, for Effortless Self-Care, for Healing the Body, etc.). Continue with any body and soul care practices that you have. Other than that, do your best to tie up loose ends at home and at work so you can be fully present during SoulQuest.

Will this program give me time to integrate so that I don’t feel overwhelmed by the material?

This is an important question. Our intention with SoulQuest is to encourage the mind to become less and less dominant. To this end, the teachings are primarily experiential. Because you’re being led to integrate on an ongoing basis through the physical, emotional and energetic body, you become more and more expert at integrating moment to moment. This is the soul’s way. The facilitators are all soul coaches who prioritize maintaining connection and being informed by the group’s energy. In addition you will be given plenty of time to simply be between sessions as well as on the land.

What’s the difference between Soul Coach Training and SoulQuest?

ClearBeing is called to create offerings that support people as they transition from an egoic orientation to life to one that is informed by the purity of the soul. Soul Coach Training is an extended program (10 months) that teaches people the intricacies of connecting to the totality of their being in order to see the beauty and the challenges of life from the soul’s perspective. It also teaches participants how to guide others in this way whether in informal settings such as family, social or work, or in the context of a Soul Coaching business. SoulQuest is an immersive multi-day experience designed to create opportunities for deep connection and deep seeing. Participants stay overnight at ClearBeing, disconnect from technology, give themselves to the intentionally designed schedule, and participate in purification practices through fire ceremonies, heat (wood-fired sauna experience), ecstatic dance, a high vibration plant-based diet, periods of silence and more. Each SoulQuest initiation culminates in a solo experience in nature. All of this creates a possibility for significant release of outdated ego-based programs to reveal the fresh and clear perspective of our deepest being. We welcome our community members to participate in both of these programs as they feel called.

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