ClearBeing Centre • King City, Ontario

Psychotherapy Sessions at ClearBeing

Thank you for visiting this page.  My name is Janet Fournier.  I am studying graduate psychotherapy studies at The Toronto Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling Education.  I offer a multi-disciplinary, holistic approach to healing hearts and have a special interest in working with couples, families and individuals who are dealing with grief and loss, fertility challenges and miscarriage, and anxiety and depression, to name a few.  Thoughts, emotions and actions are often a reflection of our values and perceptions of ourselves and others.  I provide a loving presence and safe space to explore these layers so you may unpack and decompress by reawakening them, which allows us to access our higher selves.  

Building Bridges

My client-centred approach to psychotherapy invites you to be seen and heard in an authentic manner, in order to build and hone your relationship with yourself in order to create connection and compassion within.  My non-judgemental, unconditional acceptance of circumstances, truths, and realities leads the way to transformation and transcendence of self.  I welcome the unique story you bring to my doorstep so that I may extend a bridge between where you may feel stuck and where you belong.  This makes it possible to honour your past while being mindful of your present.  

Chaos to Calm

My experience and interests span the depth and breadth of self-employment, parenting, and homeschooling, in my own journey through personal growth and healing.  I am committed to a profound and comprehensive awareness of self and consider my purpose to be a spiritual and creative calling; to bear witness so you may feel seen and heard, and to provide the solace we derive from wholeness of being.  May you be free of all that is less than, as you reconcile your turmoil, that you may instead cultivate inner serenity and bliss.

How I May be of Service to you?

Our life stories are like hooks, the claws that keep us tied to our beliefs.  These beliefs often stem from our past that do not necessarily serve us, and they become stories we tell ourselves as truths.  I am here to listen to these stories, to hold space for them as they unravel.  And when you are ready, I will help you release them so you are no longer limited by thoughts that shackle you like a prisoner in your own mind.  You deserve to be free to be yourself, to be worthy, and to be enough. 

Who I am

My education spans from an undergraduate degree in sociology from the University of Toronto, to certificates in Positive Psychology from Laurier University, Mindful Meditation (University of Toronto), Soul Coaching™  with Caroline Dupont, 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Indigo Yoga, Clinical Harp Therapy, and Holding Space™ 

My personal time is spent working in my garden or practicing my harp.  Gardening and music are two creative endeavours that resonate with the work I do because of their beauty and power to keep me on my path toward my light.  Digging in the dirt, mastering a melody, these tasks teach me how to be okay when I am not okay and allow me to embrace and expand my capacity for dissonance.  Oddly enough, one is grounded and one is heavenly and somehow the liminal space between those two hobbies keep me somewhere in the joyful middle. 

Details for Booking:

In-person appointments can be booked Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Sessions are $100 + HST (they may be covered by Extended Health Insurance under psychotherapy)

I welcome you to reach out and schedule a complimentary consultation. 

Send an Inquiry or Book a Psychotherapy Session

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