ClearBeing Centre • King City, Ontario

Garden Greens & Potatoes

Garden Greens & Potatoes

by Caroline

I created this quick meal inspired by what I harvested while tending to the garden this morning. The rain and warm weather has brought forth so many fresh greens!

Fingerling potatoes from Quebec (I planted some of these, so soon we’ll have our own!), halved and cooking in water in an enamel non-stick pan.

From left to right: basil, kale, lettuce, dandelion and wild spinach (edible weeds), mustard greens, plus spring onions and fresh pulled garlic all chopped fairly fine.

A simple dressing of mashed avocado, lemon juice, a bit of honey and salt.

Add some halved cherry tomatoes and sliced olives (Amphisis is a brand I’ve found with lemon juice not vinegar – see the bag in the previous picture), and the meal is complete!