ClearBeing Centre • King City, Ontario

There is no need for hope

There is no need for hope

Recently I’ve been helping a client transition to a healing diet to reverse diabetes. She embarked on the journey with courage and resolve. I invited her to e-mail me as needed with updates or questions and in the first week we communicated via e-mail every day. She was experiencing the joy of re-introducing some of the foods she mistakenly thought she needed to eliminate but was also missing some of the foods that she loved that were temporarily avoided in order to help her body to recover. Along with that, there were uncomfortable detoxification symptoms, emotions and questions around the approach I was taking.

In one e-mail exchange, she said that although she was feeing challenged, she wasn’t “giving up hope”.

Along with suggestions to ease her through what was coming up for her that day I wrote:

There is no need for hope.
Life wants you to heal. It’s that simple.
Just be present with what is.
Trust that your body will guide you to the best food (and other) choices.
Slow down and listen to your body just like you would to a good friend.
This is not a battle, it’s a friendship.

There is no need for hope

Health is our birthright. It’s not given to some and not others. Hope implies that health is something that might happen if we are deserving enough, if we do all of the right things, or if the stars all line up just right. Health is not a possibility, it’s a given for every one of us if we let ourselves be led by the laws of nature and the body.

Life wants you to heal.

Life IS healing. Everything in the natural world orients itself towards expressing its fullness and beauty. The key is letting ourselves fall into the flow of life… which often means looking at all the ways that we resist life (a.k.a this moment) along with the accompanying beliefs & emotions.

It’s that simple.

Healing is simple. It may not always be easy but the body’s real needs are utterly simple and basic.

Just be present with what is.

All we know is what is happening Now. The mind will tend to go into the past with its arguments and regrets, and into the future with its worries and hopes. But none of that is actually happening right now. The body only exists in the Now, and communicates its needs right now. That’s all you need to know.

Trust that your body will guide you to the best food (and other) choices.

As much as outside guidance can orient us in the right direction, and it’s important to keep an open heart and mind, ultimately the health journey is about developing a deep and loving relationship with our body.

Slow down and listen to your body just like you would to a good friend.

Your body is with you for your entire journey on this planet. It’s pure intelligence and love. So just listen for awhile. Forget everything you think you know. Be open, available, kind and curious.

This is not a battle, it’s a friendship.

We don’t fight symptoms or diseases. As we relax into the healing process our main commitment is to uncover the sacred marriage of body and soul. When we let go of all the energy that we’re using to battle, overcome, exert will power and discipline ourselves, so much of our life force is then freed up and used for healing. Our authentic discipline shows up and it’s effortless, natural and joyful.

Please join me for Secrets to Nutritional Joy, Ease & Consistency a free online MasterClass on Wednesday October 12th, 2022 from 7 to 8 pm EST.
