ClearBeing Centre • King City, Ontario
Erik Oogard
Small Business Owner, Paddlesport Instructor
"What drew me to this course is a growing curiosity about evolving myself beyond what I have learned to be my own conditioned thoughts, patterns, behaviours and perceptions. The same reason upholds my commitment to the course and everyone in the course with me. The primary changes in my perspective that I have noticed so far include knowing that there are truly infinite perspectives from which to reflect upon. Learning about and being able to "step back" and observe my personal thoughts, feelings, emotions, fears, tensions and reactions has been a fundamental skill that I am still developing. The Soul Coaching course has helped facilitate better awareness of my life perceptions, my relationships, my tendencies and my emotions. I have started to develop a means to examine my feelings, fears and emotions with patience and kindness. At best, my examinations are free of judgment and immediate resolve. Another major shift is the acceptance and ownership of all my life experiences - a work in progress. 
In terms of work, I have begun to ask myself more how I can best be of authentic service (in whatever role I am in) and to actively listen, feel and be present with the folks I am working with. Learning about shared emotional or energy space is allowing me to reflect and respond rather than react with people. The training from this course has helped me move towards being more accepting of others (less avoidance, less fearful as well?), without the need to change or resolve anyone else's life challenges. I am starting to learn about unconditional space for all of my relationships. Some other impacts in my life from this program include building a personal practice of breathwork and the daily practice of being present. I continue to learn the functional and reflective value of a daily meditation practice. I feel like most of what we are learning is becoming a personal quest to shine brighter - I often catch myself nodding my head in agreement with the insight Caroline brings to the course and how each session unfolds and resonates with me."